Shooting 35mm Film

Here’s my first roll of film! Actually second, I screwed up the first roll. I really wanted to see what modern Canon glass (tilt shift in particular) + 35mm Kodak Portra160 would look like. Some of these I took with a 24-70, and some with a 24mm tilt shift. I even stitched together two exposures into one photo, just to see how Lightroom would handle it (flawlessly).

Immediately I noticed kind of a “dual color tone” which I love. You get shades of blue in the shadow that counters with oranges/yellows so you get more of that complimentary color harmony effect. I did minimal post production on most of these… mainly contrast adjustments and spot removal.

One main factor that might be effecting the colors is that I had the roll of film in the camera body for a long time… 6+ months. This could easily degrade the shots, but I’m not sure if it really did. I’ll just keep shooting rolls along with my normal stuff and learn along the way.

SVN Charter School Addition

SVN Charter School’s latest addition designed by Clockwork AD.

Exploring downtown Bartlesville, Oklahoma

I have a travel camera that I really have warmed up to. It’s small enough to fit in my pocket while allowing me to shoot wide 24mm all the way to 200mm while making good quality photos. I’m able to pump out lots of good photos when the light is right. While with family in Bartlesville, Oklahoma I had a chance to chase some good light after we ate a meal. Here’s some images of points of interest in downtown Bartlesville.