To date this has been the most interesting and fun shoots I've tackled. Westport Middle School sold to developers to reuse the school as a piece of an entrepreneur/tech mixed use campus. The campus will feature a coding school, live-work spaces for artists and entrepreneurs, a health center, and a bevy of other amenities to suite the needs of tech culture. Sounds like a great place for a freelance photographer to work at...
I showed up an hour before an event which included about 200 people. My goal was to race around the building capturing what I could before the crowd poured in. Carrying a tripod around the exterior and up and down 4 flights of stairs made for a creative workout! The space was raw so the idea was to capture that feeling and to document some of the space before the transformation.
It's fun to visualize what will become of this beautiful old space. I found one of the most interesting features of this old school is that the cafeteria is at the top of the building on the fourth floor. I would love to know why this was considering the supplies needed to be transported up to the top of the building.